Posts Tagged Vancouver
May 30, 2013 by Joy On Drums
Cris Derksen and Kristi Lane Sinclair Double CD Release Party
It was an honour to work on these two beautiful albums with two dear friends, Kristi Lane Sinclair and Cris Derksen. Kristi Lane Sinclair’s release, The Sea Alone, was recorded at Mushroom Studios and features Kristi Lane Sinclair on vocals and guitar, myself on drums, Cris Derksen on cello, John Walsh on bass, Noah Walker […]Archives
March 16, 2013 by Joy On Drums
Programming Live Music At Kits Nuba
Check out this fun interview I did with Nuba featuring the people on their team. I have enjoyed programming music at the Kits location every Thursday. Delicious healthy food, sweet servers, beautiful location and some of Vancouver’s most talented musicians playing their songs for you. Live music every Thursday from 7-9:30 including artists Bill Coon, […]Archives
December 27, 2012 by admin